Wednesday 21 January 2015

A guide to successful BAKING!


What exactly is baking? Very few people know the history of baking sweet and pastries. Most of us just get them "all boxed up" ready for feasting. Baking is a complete science, with the need to be precise with measurements and timing, but it is also an art - that can be interpreted in number of ways, in different styles. It is hard to indicate the exact date of invention of  the cakes and pastries, yet it is possible that the Egyptians may have actually learned the process of making sweets from the Babylonians. An ancient painting dated 1175 B.C. pictures the ceremony of making bread and cakes in the palace of the King Ramses III. It is also known that sweets made of sugar were merchandised in Egypt in 700 B.C.

Appreciating baking requires understanding not only the process by which something is made but also the role of each ingredient. We can all start by understanding the recipe and following them before attempting to recreate your own. More importantly, bake with all you heart. Baking maybe science, but at the end of the day, it is also a practice of happiness.
                          KNOW YOUR INGREDIENTS

The secret to successful baking is using the right tools and ingredients and the knowledge on how to store them properly, too. Sometimes the flour sitting on your cupboards is just so much mightier than a sword.
  • BREAD FLOUR - Composed of a protein content of 11-13%, this flour is used for breads and other baked products that requires high-quality gluten formation. It is said that gluten formation contributes to the chewiness of a cookie
  • CAKE FLOUR - One of the most delicate kinds of flour. It is used for delicate cakes like chiffon. It has low protein content (7-8%) prevents too much gluten formation, which results to a softer baked products. It can also be used in making your pancakes and waffles.
  • ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR - The most popular kind of flour. It contain a neutral protein percentage of 905-11.5%, which makes it the most widely used flour in the pantry.  It can be used for all baking products with moderation in mixing.
  • SALT - An essential ingredient to any baked products. It acts as a binder to all ingredients and seasoning as well.
  • BAKING POWDER -  A leavening agent for baked goods. Contains baking soda and cream of tartar. It doesn't need to be combined to acid to be able to work as a rising agent.
  • BAKING SODA -  Also known a bicarbonate of soda. It needs to be combined with an acid (lemon juice, sour cream, yogurt, cocoa powder, etc.) to be able to act as a rising agent.
  • INSTANT DRY YEAST - A commercial form of yeast that can be found in any supermarket or bakery. It can be added directly to any baked products and doesn't need to be hydrated.
  • SUGAR - A sweet substance widely used in baking. It gives moisture to cakes, chewiness to cookies, life to the yeast and sweetness to desserts.
  • FAT - Is one of the most important ingredients in baking. It provides tenderness, moisture, richness and taste to any baked goodies. Fats can be in the form of butter, oil and vegetable oil shortening.
  • EGGS - Another important ingredient in baking. It acts as a binder to the rest of the ingredients and gives structure, moisture, color and flavor. Egg whites provides a very good light texture when used as a foam.  Meanwhile the yolks provide color, flavor and volume to the baked goods.
  • COCOA POWDER - Is a dry form of chocolate that doesn't contain sugar. It is used as a chocolate flavoring. Naturally absorbs moisture so it has to be mixed with liquid when used in baking.
  • VANILLA EXTRACT - A concentrated flavoring derived from the seed of pod of the orchid Vanilla Planifolia.
       Now that you know the basic ingredients and its properties you need to have have the proper tools,  so investing in the a good oven if you don't own one already is the first step to your baking escapades. Again baking is purely science yet your attitude towards baking will definitely create a lasting impressions on every baked goodies you will make in the future. Passion in baking is a factor but you also have to be dedicated as well, the key to a successful baking is simply combining your passion and dedication, hence baking is a practice of happiness. Happy baking everyone!

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A guide to successful BAKING!


What exactly is baking? Very few people know the history of baking sweet and pastries. Most of us just get them "all boxed up" ready for feasting. Baking is a complete science, with the need to be precise with measurements and timing, but it is also an art - that can be interpreted in number of ways, in different styles. It is hard to indicate the exact date of invention of  the cakes and pastries, yet it is possible that the Egyptians may have actually learned the process of making sweets from the Babylonians. An ancient painting dated 1175 B.C. pictures the ceremony of making bread and cakes in the palace of the King Ramses III. It is also known that sweets made of sugar were merchandised in Egypt in 700 B.C.

Appreciating baking requires understanding not only the process by which something is made but also the role of each ingredient. We can all start by understanding the recipe and following them before attempting to recreate your own. More importantly, bake with all you heart. Baking maybe science, but at the end of the day, it is also a practice of happiness.
                          KNOW YOUR INGREDIENTS

The secret to successful baking is using the right tools and ingredients and the knowledge on how to store them properly, too. Sometimes the flour sitting on your cupboards is just so much mightier than a sword.
  • BREAD FLOUR - Composed of a protein content of 11-13%, this flour is used for breads and other baked products that requires high-quality gluten formation. It is said that gluten formation contributes to the chewiness of a cookie
  • CAKE FLOUR - One of the most delicate kinds of flour. It is used for delicate cakes like chiffon. It has low protein content (7-8%) prevents too much gluten formation, which results to a softer baked products. It can also be used in making your pancakes and waffles.
  • ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR - The most popular kind of flour. It contain a neutral protein percentage of 905-11.5%, which makes it the most widely used flour in the pantry.  It can be used for all baking products with moderation in mixing.
  • SALT - An essential ingredient to any baked products. It acts as a binder to all ingredients and seasoning as well.
  • BAKING POWDER -  A leavening agent for baked goods. Contains baking soda and cream of tartar. It doesn't need to be combined to acid to be able to work as a rising agent.
  • BAKING SODA -  Also known a bicarbonate of soda. It needs to be combined with an acid (lemon juice, sour cream, yogurt, cocoa powder, etc.) to be able to act as a rising agent.
  • INSTANT DRY YEAST - A commercial form of yeast that can be found in any supermarket or bakery. It can be added directly to any baked products and doesn't need to be hydrated.
  • SUGAR - A sweet substance widely used in baking. It gives moisture to cakes, chewiness to cookies, life to the yeast and sweetness to desserts.
  • FAT - Is one of the most important ingredients in baking. It provides tenderness, moisture, richness and taste to any baked goodies. Fats can be in the form of butter, oil and vegetable oil shortening.
  • EGGS - Another important ingredient in baking. It acts as a binder to the rest of the ingredients and gives structure, moisture, color and flavor. Egg whites provides a very good light texture when used as a foam.  Meanwhile the yolks provide color, flavor and volume to the baked goods.
  • COCOA POWDER - Is a dry form of chocolate that doesn't contain sugar. It is used as a chocolate flavoring. Naturally absorbs moisture so it has to be mixed with liquid when used in baking.
  • VANILLA EXTRACT - A concentrated flavoring derived from the seed of pod of the orchid Vanilla Planifolia.
       Now that you know the basic ingredients and its properties you need to have have the proper tools,  so investing in the a good oven if you don't own one already is the first step to your baking escapades. Again baking is purely science yet your attitude towards baking will definitely create a lasting impressions on every baked goodies you will make in the future. Passion in baking is a factor but you also have to be dedicated as well, the key to a successful baking is simply combining your passion and dedication, hence baking is a practice of happiness. Happy baking everyone!


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