Saturday 7 February 2015


And, no, the answer isn't to forego cutting them at all and eating them out of the pan with a fork.

(Although, that sounds like a pretty awesome plan, if you ask me.)

Think back to the last time you attempted to cut a tray of brownies.  The goal was to slice the pan of chocolate heaven into neat little squares and display them on that lovely platter you've been saving for a special occasion, be in a family picnic or a housewarming party.  So, you make the first slice and...BOOM! This is what happens:

That's at least four brownies that I would call "ruined" and refuse to serve on the platter because they look a bit worse for wear.  Then you wipe off the knife and try to trim those jagged edges (eating the discarded pieces, ahem) with no more success.  Now you've got brownies of all shapes and sizes and most still with uneven edges.  So annoying!

Thankfully, I've got a ridiculously fool-proof and inexpensive way to save all future trays of brownies or dense chocolate cakes from such a cruel, masochistic fate and it's all thanks to my dear mom.

Ready for this?

A plastic knife!  Yep, that's it.  One of these picnic or holiday party staples:

My mom swears by her trusty plastic knife whenever there's a batch of freshly baked brownies ready to be served.  She's so serious about it that she practically swatted the regular metal knife out of my hand when I was about to cut them!  Not to mention has reminded me time and time again to wash the plastic knife and save it for reusing rather than throw it into the trash.  She may be the kindest person I know, but she is fierce about her brownie-cutting.

And she's fierce for a reason -- using a plastic knife gives the brownies super smooth cuts in all directions and nothing sticks to said knife.  Success!

You know you're dying to test this out, so here are two ideal recipes for um, "testing" purposes:


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And, no, the answer isn't to forego cutting them at all and eating them out of the pan with a fork.

(Although, that sounds like a pretty awesome plan, if you ask me.)

Think back to the last time you attempted to cut a tray of brownies.  The goal was to slice the pan of chocolate heaven into neat little squares and display them on that lovely platter you've been saving for a special occasion, be in a family picnic or a housewarming party.  So, you make the first slice and...BOOM! This is what happens:

That's at least four brownies that I would call "ruined" and refuse to serve on the platter because they look a bit worse for wear.  Then you wipe off the knife and try to trim those jagged edges (eating the discarded pieces, ahem) with no more success.  Now you've got brownies of all shapes and sizes and most still with uneven edges.  So annoying!

Thankfully, I've got a ridiculously fool-proof and inexpensive way to save all future trays of brownies or dense chocolate cakes from such a cruel, masochistic fate and it's all thanks to my dear mom.

Ready for this?

A plastic knife!  Yep, that's it.  One of these picnic or holiday party staples:

My mom swears by her trusty plastic knife whenever there's a batch of freshly baked brownies ready to be served.  She's so serious about it that she practically swatted the regular metal knife out of my hand when I was about to cut them!  Not to mention has reminded me time and time again to wash the plastic knife and save it for reusing rather than throw it into the trash.  She may be the kindest person I know, but she is fierce about her brownie-cutting.

And she's fierce for a reason -- using a plastic knife gives the brownies super smooth cuts in all directions and nothing sticks to said knife.  Success!

You know you're dying to test this out, so here are two ideal recipes for um, "testing" purposes:


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