Saturday 21 March 2015

Honey-Glazed Buttermilk Cake

Serves 16
Working time: about 30 minutes
Total time:      about 2 hours and 30 minutes
Calories 310, Protein 6 g, Cholesterol 10 mg, Total fat 6 g,
Saturated fat 3 g, Sodium 190 mg


375 g/13 oz plain flour
1 tsp         baking soda
450 g/15oz caster sugar
60g/2 oz         unsalted butter, cut into 1 cm (½ inch) pats
60 g/2oz         polyunsaturated margarine
2 tsp         pure vanilla extract
35 cl/12 fl oz buttermilk
4         egg whites
1         lemon, grated rind only

Honey glaze:

4 tbsp sugar
4 tbsp buttermilk
90 g/3 oz         honey
½  tsp pure vanilla extract


1. Grease a 3 litre (5 pint) kugelhop (bundt)  mould and dust it with flour. Preheat the oven to 170º (325ºF or Mark 3).

2. Mix the flour, baking soda and sugar in a bowl. With an electric mixer on the lowest speed, cut the butter and margarine into the dry ingredients until mixture has the consistency of fine meal.

3. Stir together the vanilla extract, buttermilk and egg whites. Mix half of this liquid with the dry ingredients on medium-low speed for 1 minute. Add the remaining liquid mix, scraping down the sides of the bowl as necessary. Stir the grated lemon rind.

4. Pour the batter into the prepared mould. Bake the cake until it begins to pull away from the sides of the mould and feels springy to touch ─ about 55 minutes. Set the cake aside to cool in the mould.

5. To make the glaze, combine sugar, buttermilk and honey in a small saucepan. Bring the liquid a boil over medium heat, then continue boiling it, stirring occasionally, until it is a light caramel colour and has thickened slightly ─ about 10 minutes. (Although the buttermilk in the glaze will separate when the liquid first comes to the boil, the subsequent cooking will yield a smooth, well-blended sauce.)

6. Remove the saucepan from the heat; stir in the vanilla extract and 1 tsp. of  water. let the mixture cool completely ─ it should be thick enough to coat the back of a spoon. Invert the cooled cake on to a serving platter. Lift away the mould and pour the glaze over the cake, letting the glaze run down the sides.

Recipe from: Ways with Desserts
Photo Credit: sacchef

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Honey-Glazed Buttermilk Cake

Serves 16
Working time: about 30 minutes
Total time:      about 2 hours and 30 minutes
Calories 310, Protein 6 g, Cholesterol 10 mg, Total fat 6 g,
Saturated fat 3 g, Sodium 190 mg


375 g/13 oz plain flour
1 tsp         baking soda
450 g/15oz caster sugar
60g/2 oz         unsalted butter, cut into 1 cm (½ inch) pats
60 g/2oz         polyunsaturated margarine
2 tsp         pure vanilla extract
35 cl/12 fl oz buttermilk
4         egg whites
1         lemon, grated rind only

Honey glaze:

4 tbsp sugar
4 tbsp buttermilk
90 g/3 oz         honey
½  tsp pure vanilla extract


1. Grease a 3 litre (5 pint) kugelhop (bundt)  mould and dust it with flour. Preheat the oven to 170º (325ºF or Mark 3).

2. Mix the flour, baking soda and sugar in a bowl. With an electric mixer on the lowest speed, cut the butter and margarine into the dry ingredients until mixture has the consistency of fine meal.

3. Stir together the vanilla extract, buttermilk and egg whites. Mix half of this liquid with the dry ingredients on medium-low speed for 1 minute. Add the remaining liquid mix, scraping down the sides of the bowl as necessary. Stir the grated lemon rind.

4. Pour the batter into the prepared mould. Bake the cake until it begins to pull away from the sides of the mould and feels springy to touch ─ about 55 minutes. Set the cake aside to cool in the mould.

5. To make the glaze, combine sugar, buttermilk and honey in a small saucepan. Bring the liquid a boil over medium heat, then continue boiling it, stirring occasionally, until it is a light caramel colour and has thickened slightly ─ about 10 minutes. (Although the buttermilk in the glaze will separate when the liquid first comes to the boil, the subsequent cooking will yield a smooth, well-blended sauce.)

6. Remove the saucepan from the heat; stir in the vanilla extract and 1 tsp. of  water. let the mixture cool completely ─ it should be thick enough to coat the back of a spoon. Invert the cooled cake on to a serving platter. Lift away the mould and pour the glaze over the cake, letting the glaze run down the sides.

Recipe from: Ways with Desserts
Photo Credit: sacchef


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